Wednesday, December 6, 2017

An Open-Letter to Trump

Seriously, Mr. President, you should have stopped when you were ahead. You've made a fortune following a cyclic pattern of Capitalism and you've backed out when you bankrupted by trusting too many people who wanted to take what you earned.

I don't blame you for making the tough business choices but there is something you are missing. It's called compassion. Now you are at a turning point. Your life is a gift...but what are you doing to help all Americans?

I realize that your focus is mostly domestic policy. You are courting the rich and they are eating it out of your hand. They are also learning your strategies. It's a mess until you put it all above-board.

You have the pen in your hand and you are relying on Congress to clean up their own mess so you can veto it all and make them start over correctly. But, isn't that the kind of thinking that put you in Chapter 11 and 13 to begin with?!


Get on the move to make clean energy the focus of American Policy. Wind, Solar, and Local Geothermic (geysers) should be the focus of Military R&D at the moment. Keep peace where you can but if you want to make the snowflakes happy give them some useful circuses to play in, okay?


Get real! Sure, some people have planned for a long life. Some people do the best they can just to eat. Some people fall out of the system completely. Now, the general rule of Republican-thought is people have to help themselves. Well, that is a two-edged sword. If you want to cut crime raise the minimum wage to a living wage level ($14-$16 an hour) and give the people a chance to pump your economy up with a little financial pork.

Universal Healthcare:

We are all going to die, eventually. The key is to make people healthy and comfortable and still leave a little room in the free economy for the insurance agents to maneuver. In the interim, Obama was a genius to get it passed. Instead of listening to a bunch of penny-pinchers...print some more cash...and pay the nurses and nursing assistance a bit more. This is the only way to survive. Can't find it in the budget? Well, tax Big Pharma. I could free-base in my bathroom most of what they develop. They are practicing without a licence. You want them to kiss your ass? Make them.


Their jobs are to investigate. You know what I don't hear, I don't hear you say "I am not a crook" all the while you are acting like one. Stop with the Twitter. You are throwing up a screen that weakens your position with anyone who sees straight. Go ahead, pour yourself another.

They'll join you.


I hate to say this but you are out of your league with Putin. He's a gangster and you are a poor-little rich boy. He's eating our asses for breakfast every morning because you are sleeping on a 9-5. Get in the correct time-zone and watch him for a change. If you need the satellite location let me know. He piggy-backs on all our signals anyway...especially the telephone wires...


Two points:

1) Japan is 5G working on 10G
2) India is working on 3G and stealing the American 4G

If you want to make a move that will blow everyone's minds call Incumbant Shinzo Abe and get the skinny on how Japan makes everyone move to a new cell platform. I'm not naming any names, but the whole world is watching you make an ass out of your Foreign Policy. Where do you think your C-Level execs are going to go when you refuse to listen to reason?

Asia. Europe. South America. South Pacific. OH...not Florida...not New York.


This game is getting old and the lack of a reasonable policy from your Administration is causing undue backlash. If you want to make it go away do what Hollywood does...

Put them in a ring on your home turf and make them fight to the death. Then shoot the winner. This isn't tiddlywinks. I see that the tail is wagging the dog. That's the way counter-terrorism works. America has been putting defunct people in place anywhere there is a power-vacuum.

Syria is a prime example. Assad wants the crude. Saudi Arabia wants the Crude. Everyone wants the Crude. Everyone should want an better alternative energy. STEM is a nice start. How about we try a little positive reinforcement on teaching the ways of force.


Also, while I am thinking about it, give me a little time...

Have another shot...Tequila...1800...


Most of the mess in Mexico is caused by a lack of cash-flow in the other direction. Making friends is always better than shooting first and asking questions later. Your win-win in Mexico is to terraform the central section of the country. If the US moves on that -- Mexico will be eternally-grateful. They'll grow their own food, pay their own workforce, move their own gangsters, and clean-up their own business.

In the meantime, if the wall is your goal, keep it short....about 4 feet...and let them jump for freedom. If they get shot it just meant they had no reason to be here in the first place. Wasting money on the infrastructure of a wall is ridiculous. We have a limited workforce in construction of new roads and bridges. You want to move product? Put the cash in the hands of the legals by training them to build something. Let their wives do their jobs, too. And let the children go to school.

I know the drain that large families can have if they sit on Public Assistance. But, breaking families apart is a really bad way to build good report. To combat the Urban Decay, look at a new plan that puts people to work on the projects we have to have to stay competitive.

And remember, a clean factory is a happy factory, if we import it it has to have the highest standards in Quality and Assurance. I'm not saying you have to tax the rich to death...but how many yachts does one sheikh need?


You want to know about Israel?

Here's the Israeli Bottom Line:

They have all the money they need to keep themselves safe. They are also fighting a losing battle with anyone who wants. It's the same all over...but Gaza is angry...and gypsies are dangerous and cunning. To defuse the situation in the Middle East call on Jordan and Oman. Yemen is still too unstable at this point. But, the Omanis are rich and exhausted with the violence. Jordan is the Brains of the Operation in the M.E.

Syria is a playpen of children looking for a safe bomb-shelter. Northern Africa wants to be left alone. The rest of Africa is taking it up the ass. And the USA is watching it with their hands tied. Because? You refuse to be a World Leader. If the USA is the only player in the World -- there might be something said for your tunnel-vision. But, Mr. President, it's time to look at it from the European-perspective. Everyone is taking on Immigrants for the Space Race because they know it's going to be the only Frontier to fight for...if we keep making a mess.

Let me pour myself some's early...


*Oh, and empower Lebanon to police the rest of Gaza. The Palestinians will still hate it...but the Lebanese are Masters at the game of Find-Muck. They'll keep each other busy for at least 20-40 years as they chase each other around looking for the Golden Key.*


The money for most terrorist activity is coming out of Switzerland. It's being used by people who want the pot to stir so they can gather the participates. The fear of Nuclear War is only as real as we make it. Because we are in the business of Policing the World. People hate it and it is a hell of a job for any President to consider, but you were elected and if you intend to stay in office for another week, you might want to make a move.


They're starving...except Un...who eats rats for dinner.

I prefer steak, personally.

He's a non-issue. If you want to put North Korea on the Ally-side of our map, send them some food and some digging equipment. They want our life-style but they want it on their own terms. A little love in that direction couldn't hurt. Now, I know, I know, I know your argument is that we can barely keep ourselves afloat. How can we feed Africa and Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia...

But, my friend, if we don't China surely will.

and while I am on the topic...


Worried about itself at the moment. Trying to keep production up with a limited workforce thanks to the one-male-child policy. But, the truth is, China is a non-issue at this time. Give them about 2-3 generations to get their act back together and recall their factories if they refuse to comply with your tax policy. We owe them nothing and they own too much of us.

Final Thoughts:

USA needs a boost from the ground up. Call Obama and be nice. He might offer you a little insight on who the major players are in the Environmental/Pharmaceutical/Telecom sectors are at this time. I don't care if you play kiss ass with your flunky Lobbyists. But, getting a little knowledge about who the major players in the these Industries are today...with help you build the future of tomorrow.

Don't plan on a second term. Warren is going to destroy you if you make it that far. And I know, for a fact, because I voted for the other guy, that the women are sick of your horseshit. Just think. You could be back in New York by Next Christmas kissing your wife's ass...literally. You know she misses you and your kids need a father. Not to make this too personal...

But, a family man is a man first.

Closing Argument:

Call me a liar. But, how would you know without being one? Think I make this shit up just to hide my intentions. I am a Patriot, Mr. President. I was born in America and my family has been around on this soil a lot longer than yours. So, before you start talking shit you might want to remember where your bread is buttered. Twitter account suspended. Hand-written letters to the World Leaders asking politely for their assistance. Knock-off a few good men. And, more forward with a plan that makes sense.

Not because you thought of it.

But, because you are a President and you answer to me.


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