Tuesday, May 12, 2015


"Let me die in this old uniform. May God forgive me for ever having put on another." ~ Benedict Arnold
There are two people in America.

One is a Patriot and one is a Nationalist.

The Patriot holds up the American ideals of Life, Love, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

The Nationalist does everything within the Law to destroy all three...through subversion and uncivil disobedience.

The Patriot knows the names of the President, the Vice-President, the Senators, the Representatives, the Governor, and the Municipal Leaders. The Patriot knows because the Patriot votes. The Patriot knows at least one true fact -- about those individuals -- with which the Patriot agrees. It may take hours, days, weeks, or months to find a common ground but without it the Administrators have failed the Patriot.

The Nationalist carries the flag of the highest bidder -- an American only when it suits. A Nationalist is a scourge upon the Earth. Loud, brash, short-sighted, militant at war; the Nationalist wastes energy and passion by rabble-rousing and causing chaos in the home, the street, the local community, places of worship, and in cyberspace. The Nationalist needs attention. The Nationalist seeks control. The Nationalist will do anything for it. In some extreme cases, the Nationalist will murder to receive it. The Nationalist is a Terrorist due to a territorial nature.

The Patriot is a Humanist. The Patriot knows that patience and endurance last. The ideals of a Patriot will prevail. The Patriot will know another Patriot through a calm, reasoning mind. The Patriot maintains the ability to be compassionate to those in need in any situation. A Patriot will be generous in Spirit -- standing for something more permanent than the right to transient personal emotion without responsibility -- to be honest when honesty is required. And, when, my Patriot, is honesty to ones Country beside any other requirement?

The Nationalist knows nothing. For if the Nationalist knew anything, there would be peace. The Nationalist is a bully. If the Nationalist was more than an unreasoning animal bent on self-destruction, the Nationalist would be silent. The Nationalist would learn to fight in hand-to-hand combat instead of with weapons of mass destruction and soul-mutilation. He would learn the meaning of a flag before he burns it.

The Patriot supports the desire of peace from all aspects of life: The Physical, The Emotional, and The Intellectual -- because the Patriot understands Preciousness of Soul and the Spirit of Freedom.

The Nationalist, being of many minds and having Self-Hatred, is Lost.

The Patriot, being an Individual of Amazing Grace, is Found.